2013年7月15日 星期一
2013年7月14日 星期日
Laboratory Design, Construction, and Renovation: Participants, Process, and Product ( 2000 ) / 3 Technical Issues
所有建築裝修或建設,特別是實驗室裝修或施工,涉及到必須解決許多問題,而且必須作出許多決定。儘管有可能將這些任務委託給設計專業,知情客戶端中的這些問題的解決,並在相關的決策大大的積極參與增強該上級結果將被獲得的概率。一些細節和問題,如由環境健康與安全(EH&S)法規規定,專業性強,應該留給專家。其他的,如設計方案或影響建設成本的考慮,需要進行審查,討論,共同解決了客戶端的成員組,如客戶團隊和用戶代表,以及設計專業。因此,客戶端團隊和用戶代表應熟悉這些問題,使他們能夠做出明智的決定。儘管經驗豐富的專業設計通常可以依靠告知所有可能的設計方案在客戶端,也有不幸的是,例外情況。不僅能在知情的客戶端交互更令人滿意的設計專業,但設計考慮的知識也能更好地使客戶端來評估設計專業的能力。如果內部建築的工作人員都是經驗豐富的實驗室設計和施工,他們可以幫助開展一些這樣的角色。環境健康和安全在整個實驗室改造或建設項目的規劃,設計和施工階段,仔細注意EH&S的問題是至關重要的,以確保設施可以建成並佔領。EH&S問題影響到每一個重大決策,從選址到建設佔用的適用性。此外,仔細關注這些問題是在與鄰近社區,其可以是熱情關心的化學工廠本地影響的相互作用很重要。社區關係問題將在第1章仔細考慮EH&S問題討論將使項目團隊與複雜的,有時甚至相互衝突的陣列聯邦,州和地方法規,規範和影響實驗室建設和運營條例有效遵守。要認識到,規範和法規的建設,改造,實驗室操作和建設項目,由一個機構的承諾有一個共同的目標,以保證建築物及其周圍環境是安全是很重要的。這個共同點可以使人們有可能達成切實可行的解決方案可能出現在支配實驗室設計與建設的高度複雜的監管環境的問題。當有衝突時,知情人士的良好的判斷為準。本節總結了法律基礎,並審慎應對,多重法規,規範和條例,影響實驗室的建設和運行。該委員會強調,每一個主要的建設項目團隊應該有EH&S專業人士在整個實驗室設施的設計和施工過程中的各個階段的支持。由這些專業人士提供的專業知識將幫助客戶團隊設置的健康和安全目標的項目,選擇適當的工程標準,以實現這些目標,並確定穩健的戰略構想實現符合監管要求。EH&S專業人士也應參與調試的過程,之前的新建或改建設施的佔用,以幫助確保保護實驗室用戶的職業健康和安全的所有工程系統的操作完整性。該機構的EH&S計劃的一個知識淵博的成員應作為技術顧問,客戶端團隊。此人應該充分了解有關的設施要求的程序; 在實驗室的安全,環保和污染治理的專業知識; 經歷與認識監管部門的工作; 並熟悉工廠的工程系統,可以創造效益,安全,兼容實驗室。規範和法規建設或改造實驗室的建設主要受國家和地方法律,納入,引用,載於統一規範普遍接受的標準做法。專欄3.1列出了各種影響大多數實驗室建設項目代碼。這些代碼通常是在給予市,縣一級,但有些位置可能在區域BOX給予3.1類型的規範要求,影響大多數實驗室建設項目通風,保持舒適度和職業健康火災預防,檢測和抑制火災,在通過限制易燃和危險化學品的應急電源的數量部分供應維持重要生命安全系統,例如在有害的電中斷控制出口照明,火災檢測,和保護系統的操作的氣體,從降低風險並控制偶然的氣體釋放建設高度限制的基礎上化學品的使用抗震實驗樓的高度要求,以減少地震或州級所帶來的危害。所需要的建設將有助於防止項目不必要的延誤許可調度獲得。給予許可授予機構顯著建設項目及早通知其管轄範圍內,使他們能夠預見自己的工作量和人員需求是很重要的。機構的專業人士能提供指引和洞察當地獨特的需求,這可能會影響建築項目。在某些司法管轄區的機構,如設立一個單點的機構和項目團隊,通常是客戶端和建築師項目經理的代表之間的接觸,以促進和協調的重要信息交流,並建立了良好的合作關係。這種結構的一個好處是,它最大限度地減少了人們不得不花時間學習的獨特過程和所涉及的組織的程序,從而優化通信誰的數目。當一個機構擁有約一個複雜的科研設施建設項目的明確和充分的信息之前,實際的計劃被提交,可以更快捷地完成所需審批和permitgranting過程中移動。一般情況下,一個項目必須符合建築,消防,電氣,給排水,機械碼在地方一級,可能是基於規範和性能。由於機構會有不同的經驗水平評估複雜的設施,如科研樓,外面的專家可以及時向檢驗計劃和施工現場活動的一個有價值的投資。一些代碼允許僱傭雙方都能接受的外部專家的計劃,審查和施工驗收,如果機構需要增加專業知識或工作人員,以加快項目。本地代碼通常包括如美國國家防火協會(NFPA),美國國家標準學會(ANSI),美國社會測試和材料(ASTM)和采暖,製冷的美國社會被組織制定國家承認的標準,與空調工程師學會(ASHRAE)。這些組織經常採用的標準由國家認可的專家委員會的共識。許多機構和專業協會有一個標準委員會,誰可能是一種寶貴的資源,以實驗室建設項目的團隊成員。這兩個法規和國家標準隨著時間的推移。增補和修訂是基於科學和技術的進步和知識,從意外或事故涉及顯著喪失生命或財產,或環境損害的上漲。現有的1995碼的摘要載於梅耶(1995年)。因為這目前的報告正在編寫中,三個區域代碼組織,建築官員國際會議(ICBO),建築人員與法規管理國際(BOCA),與南方建築法規國際(SBCC)-were起草1制服國家代碼。採用這種建築規範預計在2000年即使有一個統一的國家代碼,然而,一些大城市可能還是有自己的代碼或修訂的國家代碼來處理當地的問題和情況。美國國會對環境問題的四大行為的設置環保國家議程有直接關係的實驗室的運作。資源保護和回收法(RCRA)解決廢物處理和減少。清潔空氣法案(CAA)涉及空氣質量及其對人類健康的影響。聯邦水污染控制法涵蓋了水質的改善和保護。冠軍基金修正和再授權法案(SARA)第III確保知道哪些有害物質存在於在他們的社區,使社區應急部門和當地消防部門來保護自己在響應火災,爆炸設施的社區的權利,氣體或化學品洩漏或其他緊急情況。社區理所當然地關心什麼發生在他們的社區。一個實驗室建設項目團隊必須熟悉相關的環保法規相關的,以確保完成的項目達到合規要求。備受這項立法的主要目的是防止污染。SARA標題III旨在提高使用危險化學品,在該設施位於社區,這些社區的應急機構設備之間的通信。實驗室設施應制定污染預防,應急規劃,通信和公眾宣傳優秀節目。這意味著超越合規性,確保建設性回應社會關切。這樣做將加強與社會各界的良好關係,將緩解衝突往往發生在新的實驗室設施的建設。意味著鼓勵支持第1章管理危險廢物RCRA下的“社會關係”一節中討論的,環境保護局(EPA)負責頒布和執行指令性法規控制危險廢物的各個階段,從一代到處理。美國環保局的監管理念是治療實驗室和工業規模的廢物產生以相同的方式,雖然有在產生的廢物量,並進行處理,化學品的數量方面以及在相關的潛在的環境風險,兩者之間的差異顯著。高校,特別是有過在實施工業規模的監管模式來管理各個實驗室產生的有害化學廢物很大的困難。危險廢物管理必須由項目團隊在規劃和設計實驗室設施予以考慮。團隊必須了解該設施內的化學品的生命週期; 他們是如何購買,交付,集中存儲,轉移到各個實驗室,使用,轉化為浪費,進一步處理和包裝處理。一個系統來處理這個過程的建立對於設施,並確保法規遵從和成本控制containment.1化學氣相排放安全運行的重要1990年修訂CAA要求EPA大力規範二氧化硫排放量,揮發性有機化合物,有害空氣污染物(HAPs),和消耗臭氧的化學物質。大型機構的實驗室是由這些規則的影響,如果他們要在大於10噸,每年為單個HAP或每年25噸,總金額有害空氣污染物排放的一個EPA上市的有害空氣污染物或更多的潛力。這些量包括來自於一個連續的區域,並在一個共同的權限,控制所有來源的排放物,例如作為一個機構的動力裝置和鍋爐和其實驗室設施。由於這些原因,可能需要在化學汽相排放個體通風櫃在較大的機構,以滿足該環保局指定基於“最大可實現控制的技術,”滑動刻度改變作為技術的變化的排放標準。1990年的修訂還要求EPA建立一個單獨的類別涵蓋研究或實驗室設施必須確保公平對待這些設施。其結果可能是實驗室1,用戶可以通過協助試圖尋找機會,以減少通過更少的危險化學品或需要少量的化學品採取的程序替代廢物產生一個監管模式; 回收,再利用,或回收的化學品,才成為廢物流的一部分; 貫徹板凳或設施廢物處理。與化學品進行工作的其他建議中給出章節4,5,和在實驗室(NRC,1995)謹慎操作7。該刊物,越少越好:實驗室化學品管理減少廢物(ACS,1993年),解決了微觀尺度實驗,促進廢物最小化。里斯承認實驗室和主要行業之間的差異,雖然不太可能為大型機構提供救濟的實驗室已經超過對排放控制的材料數量的限制。治療空氣通風櫃枯竭的潛在需求是影響實驗室設計的一個主要的環境問題,並提出了實驗室的設計師是一項艱鉅的挑戰。技術可達到的最大控制會增加成本和空間要求。不確定性修訂EPA監管模式的實驗室可以證明提供額外的空間,以適應未來的排放控制技術的要求,如果有需要,以降低改造成本。目前油煙機的使用慣例應該由用戶代表進行審查,以探討如何廢氣排放可以減少。例如,在通風罩進行的實驗等操作應計劃,以便它們從不涉及有害排放物的故意放電,及控制裝置,如冷凝器,陷阱,或洗滌器(包含和收集廢溶劑,有毒蒸氣,或粉塵)應當納入實驗過程。因此,危險材料應該從通風櫃僅當,在緊急情況下,一個化學意外罩內釋放被排出。這樣的規劃將簡化處理通風櫃廢氣的問題。控制從實驗室廢液廢液排放,是妥善處理比蒸汽排放較少的困難。要求控制污染物的排放是由當地下水道當局或公有處理廠(POTW)設置。匯不再用於處置危險廢物的實驗室。從實驗室水槽廢水必須流經的酸中和系統,其調節廢水的pH值之前,它們排放到POTW。在新的建設這一要求被滿足一般通過安裝一個中央建築稀釋槽與一個監測系統,測量pH值和自動添加酸或鹼,以確保符合排放標準。與有關機構的意圖POTW前期溝通,安裝在一個新的實驗室設施這樣的系統將有助於保持合規的良好記錄的實驗室必須在環保這個領域。健康問題在實驗室標準的職業安全與健康管理局(OSHA)頒布於1990年,一個機構或雇主與實驗室需要開發自己的程序,以保障員工的健康和安全。該標準代表了從問題的詳細規範標準,監管機構的常規做法表示歡迎,並顯著離境。機構開發的程序,稱為化學品部衛生規劃,必須符合OSHA設定績效標準。計劃中的信息將幫助引導一個健康,安全的實驗室環境中發展。項目團隊應該熟悉它的機構的化學衛生計劃,在監管的核心程序,並指它在整個設計過程。實驗室的化學防護罩通風櫃是用在實驗室設施,以保護工人的健康的主要設備。選擇,佈局和安裝通風櫃共同構成最重要的健康相關的問題,項目組會考慮。影響整個建築的通風系統,這也許是任何新的實驗室建設和改造工程的主要成本組成部分的決定,將油煙機相關的選擇的影響。可憐的選擇和安裝通風櫃將創建一個嚴重的問題,要么危害工人的健康或大幅限制了使用實驗室的潛在危險的實驗。設計團隊必須接受確保設施通風櫃及通風系統的設計正確,以提供一個健康,安全的實驗室環境的責任。適當的通風櫥的選擇需要對預期用途罩和機構政策可能限制發動機罩的選擇的特定信息。應在初步設計階段獲得用戶信息的各種顯示框3.2。影響油煙機的使用和設計機構政策的一些相關方面的專欄3.3。的必要抽油煙機的數目和大小將會有很大的不同與實驗室的類型。例如,生化實驗室實驗涉及微量化學物質,通常打開的板凳上執行。單罩,提供了6英尺長的工作空間可能足以支持幾個板凳科學家誰佔據了600平方英尺生化實驗室空間的需求。對於一般的化學實驗室,1罩提供5至6個線性英尺的工作空間在面將是每兩個工人的最低要求。將有在有機和無機合成實驗室,其中單個化學家BOX 3.2所需的信息為遮光罩選擇設備和活動,需要內的材料,這將在材料的罩數量被使用的罩屬性遏制引擎蓋更高要求,即在將使用誰在將來使用BOX罩的使用預期變化的頻率和持續時間的機構政策相關的油煙機使用性能的要求和遏制密度罩的要求3.3要素影響通風限制人罩號碼將被用於系統成本要求通風櫃的控制,感應器可能需要8英尺長的工作空間包含設備等實驗儀器。在合成實驗室引擎蓋使用的密度可以接近一個罩,其提供了6至8個線性英尺的工作空間在罩的每100平方英尺的實驗室空間的面部。基準在可比機構用罩可以是在選擇的類型和罩的數目的寶貴指南。實驗室通風系統罩使用在密度將有因為大量的空氣,將通過適當運作頭套被排出到室外的上通風系統的設計中一個顯著影響。在化學實驗室通風系統必須滿足兩個主要健康相關的目標:職業衛生,這是通過適當的安裝和化學實驗室通風罩的操作,和乘員舒適性,這是通過加熱和加濕的一般實驗室空氣在冬季達到實現和冷卻它在夏天。實驗室通風系統的第二個功能是防止由從實驗室偶然和偶然釋放的化學物質的進入建築物的其他區域的污染物的遷移。這是通過控制氣流的方向,提供單通空氣(空氣放電從實驗室直接屋外)和在部分完成的部分。通風系統的設計應該使得空氣將從區域流動與至少潛在污染朝向區域具有最高潛力。小心在設定系統的設計參數是很重要的,以確保安全性考慮不顯著增加成本。例如,一個設計要求,該系統應保持指定壓差,而不是簡單地滿足單向氣流的目標可能會大幅增加項目的成本。能源的巨大量可以在空調消耗的空氣被輸送到實驗室保持舒適和確保化學罩安全操作的數量。由於實驗室空氣不再循環,而是被排出作為單通空氣,大量的能量被浪費了。此問題是顯著加劇作為發動機罩使用的增加的幅度。財政責任提供了實現能源守恆在實驗室通風系統的設計,使公用事業的成本節省可以達到很強的動機。節能系統肯定會需要進行實驗室建築具有較高的引擎蓋使用。不同的引擎蓋設計的技術細節在'實驗室配置“款的”本章設計考慮事項“部分進行了概述,並在謹慎操作的實驗室(NRC,1995)第8章中討論的主要方式節約能源並降低運營成本是降低調節空氣流向室外通過實驗室化學罩的數量。項目團隊應該認識到節約能源和保護實驗室使用者的健康。降低氣流罩的目標之間的內在衝突可能增加引擎蓋用戶的風險,然而,它是有意義的時間期間,以減少氣流在使用時抽油煙機的數目顯著減少。改變在操作的通風系統的氣流特性而不損害職業健康是一個可以實現的,但令人畏懼,工程和業務挑戰,選擇一個有能力,有經驗的機械工程師設計出節能通風系統將有助於確保運行可靠性,實現和節能減排和職業健康都作為目標相符。這樣設計的解決方案是複雜的,並且它們的初始成本會很高。運營成本,相反地,將會比使用常規罩的成本更低。該機構還必須認識到,持續運行的可靠性將保持一個健康的環境的基本要求。完成後的系統將需要設備工程師和一個專門的預防性維護計劃的一個複雜的工作人員。同時規劃了健康,節能的通風系統,項目組必須保證成本的考慮永遠優先於機構的道德和法律義務,以保護工人和環境的健康。如果有問題,EH&S專業人士進行諮詢。獨特和特別危險的運作項目組以鑑定涉及高度危險化學品或可能呈現獨特的危險操作或處理是很重要的。一個有用的第一步將是審查那些不允許在未經事先機構批准執行的操作,協議和實驗的類型。化學衛生計劃是該信息的很好的資源,因為它描述了在什麼情況下行政控制將到位。雙方科學家誰進行這些操作和EH&S專業人士諮詢開發任何設計策略來控制這些類型的操作風險。以確保該控制有關的風險,是實際執行,並符合法規要求是很重要的。在這些決定用戶輸入將在已完成的設施提供更高水平的業務合規性。流程呈現獨特的危害將通過有經驗的用戶,諮詢顧問需要仔細考慮。化學正成為科學的通用語言,與新的化學大樓的規劃者應該預見,在某些情況下,空間的要求可能相差很大,從那些與傳統的化學實驗室有關。例如,組合化學家,合成化學家和分子生物學家的相互科學興趣鼓勵安置現代生物學實驗室在靠近有機和無機合成實驗室,以方便協作。未來化學實驗樓最終可能會具有要求的實驗室空間,適合於包括人類病原體的實驗。如果一個要求,如出現這種情況,項目組將需要熟悉的共識標準的安全生物實驗室的設計和操作。對生物安全的權威參考里士滿和麥金尼(1993年)。指導設施保障按照四個級別的風險是基於對職業獲得性感染的潛在和疾病的嚴重程度提供。區域可以呈現獨特的危害,如高壓設施; 放射化學,X射線衍射,核磁共振(NMR)和高能量的激光實驗室; 和實驗室研究中,發生爆炸的危險很高,很可能被納入新的設施或重大改造項目要求的程序。其他潛在危險區域包括那些含有大量的化學物質,如化學品儲存或危險廢物堆積區。這些領域將呈現特殊危害為此專家會診須確保適當的標準得到識別,實現安全設計。受控接入訪問控制的概念是相關的,可能會危害健康各個領域。的目的是保護誰不從暴露可能危害健康分配給實驗室人員。控制權的訪問程度應對應於危險的水平。例如,在高風險的地區,訪問應限於專門培訓,並分配在區域工作的個人。在低風險領域,它可能是足夠的,設計實驗室的走廊,使他們不被視為公眾徹底票價。的空間的結構,以便控制訪問值得認真考慮,特別是對於那些需要有限訪問實驗室區域。重要的是,這兩個控制區和接入點到這些區域很容易地識別。應當有一種方式來通知對進入相應的入境手續或禁止訪客。受控存取區的位置應是方便的實驗室工作人員。但同樣重要的是,訪問控制措施沒有更多的限制比潛在的風險要求; 否則,他們將很快就放棄了分配的實驗室工作人員。安全問題的職業安全和19702建立了兩個主要的每個用人單位所涉及的職務行為健康法。第一職責要求每個雇主“須向其每名僱員的就業和工作地點都是免費的,從那些造成或可能造成死亡或嚴重身體傷害到他的員工認可的危害。” 第二個職責要求各用人單位“應當符合本法規定頒布的職業安全與健康標準。” 這些職責強調雇主的需要堅持,新建或改建工廠推廣,而不是阻礙,安全入住。最初的職業安全與健康標準公佈根據該法解決的是已知會造成人身傷害工人的工作場所安全隱患。OSHA繼續強調雇主的責任,以保障工人的電氣,機械和火災隱患,以及因暴露於易燃,腐蝕性,反應性,和有毒化學品。所有這些物理性危害有相關的設計,施工和化學實驗室的操作。都需要由項目組來解決幾個安全問題簡述如下。他們的目的是突出解決物理危害,可能造成人身傷害工人的化學實驗室的設計不良的結果的重要性。緊急出口,以防止嚴重的人身傷害,一個建築能夠提供的就是出口,將允許在發生火災或其他緊急建築居住者的迅速逃生的手段,最重要的保障。出口的手段包括三個截然不同的部分:退出訪問途徑,退出,並退出放電通路。當地消防規範和OSHA標準要求出口的一種手段是從建築到公共道路的任何一點連續和通暢的路線。在化學實驗室建築物中,出口通路包括走廊和走廊,導致直接從實驗室模塊或工作區到指定出口的入口。對出口的手段這部分必須提供出行兩者的通暢道路,推動建設佔用的快速和有序退出,並允許緊急救援人員獲得安全,高效的進入搶險現場。如果走廊被設計,使它們不鼓勵濫用這些功能可以最好地保存下來。例如,如果一個實驗室走廊在作為出口訪問被設計為具有更大的寬度比是1970部分5,成文於29 USC 651頁起2的PL 91-596,職業安全和健康法案。需要提供物資和設備的工作人員和動作快捷的出行,這是不可避免的,走廊的一部分將被用於存儲設備和用品。在沒有嚴格的行政控制,將出現障礙物和安全性將很快受到影響。另一個偶然的設計缺陷,邀請走廊濫用是安置該項目進入走廊的空間列。延伸實驗室壁到該柱的走廊側解決了這個問題,並提供更多的空間供實驗室使用。應急設備安全淋浴器和洗眼噴泉是必不可少的應急設備,化學實驗樓。設計要求是在國家統一的標準,如ANSI Z358.1-1990規定,通過規則已經頒布OSHA職業安全與健康標準。安全淋浴和洗眼噴泉應該是在化學品處理區。安全淋浴室應設在靠近出口的門,從每個實驗室模塊或在實驗室對出口門的鉸鏈側的走廊。優選的是,所有的安全淋浴被放置在一個標準的位置在整個實驗樓,以便它們的位置的乘員的認識。安全淋浴應配備剛性下拉三角酒吧。鏈拉是不可取的,因為他們可以打到用戶很難掌握在緊急情況下。同時,他們與努力提供緊急治療干預的虛榮心窗簾應該氣餒,需要解決的謙虛和安全性之間的內在衝突。洗眼器飲水機應放置在專用的標準位置。行程時間從曝光到洗眼噴泉任何潛在來源應小於10秒。而實驗室水槽似乎是洗眼噴泉放置一個顯而易見的選擇,正常的下沉功能往往掩蓋了噴泉的存在,阻礙訪問。因此更需要一個專門的地方接近或部分應急淋浴。洗眼和安全淋浴的位置,需要與實驗室的安全規定進行協調。洗眼噴泉應該為至少15分鐘,提供軟流或噴霧加氣飲用水。噴泉,能同時沖洗雙眼應安裝。專用的存儲空間在化學實驗室建設和遵守環保法規駕乘人員的安全可以通過提供存儲的化學品,危險廢物和應急設備專用,適當設計的空間得到改善。用於存儲在庫房和實驗室化學品的要求,將有很大的不同取決於本地代碼; 數量,hazard-的OU性質,和化學品的特性; 和實驗室操作的性質。需要仔細審查了項目組的所有要求,以確保有足夠的設計,化學品儲存空間,以防止重新佔有這個空間等功能。應特別注意給予易燃和可燃液體,氣體鋼瓶,高活性的物質,有毒物質和控制物質的存儲需求。內或附近的實驗室專用空間是理想的積累和有害化學廢料臨時存儲。這些領域也可用於培育和扶持回收再利用計劃。安全方面的考慮應當在這些空間的設計的主要關注的問題。例如,該區域不應當與正常實驗室操作干擾,並且通風存儲可能是必要的。在較大的聚集區,可能有必要考慮滅火系統,通風和堤防避免萬一洩漏下水道污染。這樣的空間要求應該由EH&S項目的工作人員來指定。中央存儲區域應急設備將提高應急響應職能的有效性。空間應提供用於存儲自呼吸器,毛毯覆蓋傷者,firstaid設備,個人防護裝備和化學品洩漏清理套件和溢出控制設備。這個空間的需要和要求,應協調與EH&S的官方負責管理該設施的應急計劃。殘疾人工作者精心設計的化學實驗室應提供,或能夠被很容易地修改,以提供合理的住宿合格的殘疾工人。合理的住宿可能包括使實驗室易於被殘障人士和通過收購或適當修改器材,供殘障人士訪問和使用。大多數實驗室的設計允許的個案,即簡單的重排,實驗室的櫥櫃,可以很容易地適應為殘疾工人提供合理的便利條件。很多星級酒店也將提高居住者沒有殘疾的安全。例如,保持過道空間暢通無阻,以適應工人行動不便將提高大家的安全。特殊的硬件,可以很容易打開和關閉的門可以惠及所有實驗室工作人員誰攜帶用品和材料,從一個實驗室到另一個。在考慮合理的住宿給殘疾工人,有必要確保住宿不會導致顯著風險,健康或其他工作人員的安全。殘疾人誰尋求就業的化學實驗室應包括個人不得直接威脅到在實驗室的健康或其他個人的安全性要求工人資格的聲明。確定實驗室設備,個案和辦公桌具體佈局在空間佈局問題實驗室工作人員的安全是一個重要的考慮因素。工人的安全問題,例如,應優先於程序的需求在確定開放實驗室化工業務的適當性,化學實驗室通風櫃的位置,出入口的位置,以及是否學生辦公桌應包括內部操作面積的工作實驗室。對這些問題的其它方面將在第1章中公開的實驗室中的“社會學”一節中討論已對改善實驗室乘員遵守安全規定有積極的影響。同輩壓力可以說服力提升個人的標準,其安全承諾低於該集團制定的標準。但公開的實驗室不適合該呈現中度到高風險或實驗室,其中的安全實踐適合個人在實驗室進行的工作的水平差異很大實驗室操作。一般不宜採取開放實驗室的設計概念,如果與實驗室操作相關的潛在風險需要正式的訪問控制措施。實驗室通風櫃的位置應允許出口的替代路線,使實驗室工作人員不通過在緊急情況下罩的面前。在桌子或坐在工作站不應該直接穿過過道實驗室從引擎蓋位置。抽油煙機應遠離放置在低流量區域,從門和送風格柵以防止空氣湍流可能危及油煙機的性能。一般學生課桌不得設在實驗室工作,目前的中度到高度的職業風險。服務台可為學生提供在低風險的實驗室,但放置課桌應該由實驗室主管和項目團隊的EH&S專業要慎重考慮。例如,學生課桌,應放置在靠近出口的門,讓學生將不必通過移動危險區域到達出口,但桌子也應定位,使得他們不創造一個屏障,緊急出口。
A. Scope
The primary objective in laboratory design should be to provide a safe, accessible
environment for laboratory personnel to conduct their work. A secondary objective is
to allow for maximum flexibility for safe research and teaching use. Therefore, health
and safety hazards shall be anticipated and carefully evaluated so that protective
measures can be incorporated into the design wherever possible. However, no matter
how well designed a laboratory is, improper usage of its facilities will always defeat the
engineered safety features. Proper education of the facility users is essential.
The requirements listed below illustrate some of the basic health and safety design
features required for new and remodeled laboratories. Variations from these guidelines
require approval from the Environmental Health & Safety Department (EH&S).
B. Building Design Issues
Because the handling and storage of hazardous materials inherently carries a high risk
of exposure and injury, it is important to segregate laboratory and non-laboratory
activities. In an academic setting, the potential for students to need access to
laboratory personnel, such as instructors and assistants, is great. A greater degree of
safety will result when non-laboratory work and interaction is conducted in a space
separated from the laboratory.
1. Noncombustible construction is preferred.
Good Practice
SBC/WSBC (IBC) Chapter 6
2. Offices should be separated from laboratories.
Good Practice
3. An automatically triggered main gas shutoff valve for the building shall be
provided for use in a seismic event. In addition, interior manual shutoff valves
shall be provided for both research and teaching areas.
Good Practice
4. Large sections of glass shall be tempered or laminated. Shatter resistant
glass shall be used based on specific need.
Good Practice
In the event of severe earthquake, as the glass in cabinets and windows breaks, the large shards need to
be minimized to prevent injury. Shatter resistant glass shall be considered where impact resistance is
needed or as a security measure.
8 Laboratory Safety Design Guide
April 2005
5. Outside air intakes must be at least twelve feet above grade level.
This is the minimum recommended height from NIOSH in DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 2002-139,
“Guidance for Protecting Building Environments from Airborne Chemical, Biological, or Radiological
Attacks”, published May 2002.
6. The location of outside air intakes and all sources of emissions from the new
facility must be evaluated by a consultant with experience in modeling to
determine the best location of these components relative to themselves and
to similar components of nearby existing facilities.
C. Laboratory Design Considerations
1. The laboratory shall be completely separated from outside areas (i.e., shall be
bound by four walls and a roof or ceiling).
2. Design of the laboratory and adjacent support spaces shall incorporate
adequate additional facilities for the purpose of storage and/or consumption
of food, drinks.
Good Practice
UW Laboratory Safety Manual, Section 2.A.4
3. Mechanical climate control should be provided as needed.
Good Practice
The laboratory shall be within normally acceptable thermal ranges prior to permanent occupancy.
Electrical appliances often exhaust heat into a room (e.g., freezer, incubator, autoclave). Failure to take
this effect into consideration may result in an uncomfortably warm working environment.
See Chapter 3 of this Guide for laboratory ventilation design issues.
4. When office and laboratory spaces are connected, design pressure
differentials across closed doors between the spaces to prevent lab
emissions from entering office spaces.
Good Practice
5. Design laboratory workstations to accommodate the needs of the work and the
range of body dimensions that may be using the workstations. For example,
computer and microscopes workstations may require height-adjustable work
surfaces and chairs.
Good Practice
6. Each laboratory where hazardous materials, whether chemical, biological, or
radioactive, are used, shall contain a sink for hand washing.
UW Laboratory Safety Manual, Section 2.A.3
Laboratory Safety Design Guide 9
April 2005
7. All work surfaces (e.g., bench tops, counters, etc.) shall be impervious to the
chemicals and materials used in the laboratory.
Good Practice
Many laboratory operations involve concurrent use of such chemical solvents such as formaldehyde,
phenol, and ethanol, as well as corrosives. The laboratory bench shall be resistant to the chemical
actions of chemicals and disinfectants. Wooden bench tops are not appropriate because an unfinished
wood surface can absorb liquids. Also, wood burns rapidly in the event of a fire. “Fiberglass” (glass
fiber reinforced epoxy resin) is inappropriate because it can degrade when strong disinfectants are
applied, and it also releases toxic smoke when burned.
8. The laboratory shall be designed so that it can be easily cleaned. Bench tops
should be of a seamless one-piece design to prevent contamination.
Penetrations for electrical, plumbing, and other considerations shall be
completely and permanently sealed. If the bench top abuts a wall, it shall be
covered or have a backsplash against the wall.
Good Practice
Since portions of bench tops cannot be easily removed and replaced, the primary consideration shall be
to prevent chemicals, radioactive materials and/or potentially infectious material from seeping into
cracks. Of great importance is the absence of laminated edges, which can develop a crack between the
top and the edge. Wood and wood-finish walls or floors are not appropriate because they can absorb
chemicals, radioactive materials and/or potentially infectious material, particularly liquids, making
decontamination virtually impossible. Surfaces should be as free as possible of cracks crevices, seams,
and rough surfaces to avoid surface contamination traps. Tiles and wooden planks are not appropriate
because liquids can seep through the small gaps between them. Seamless penetration-resistant
construction is particularly important for radioactive materials, highly toxic substances such as cyanides
or mercury, carcinogens, explosive or flammable substances, and materials which could become
hazardous with the passage of time such as picric acid, nitrated organics and peroxidizable substances.
9. Laboratory flooring in chemical use areas and other high hazard areas (such
as biological containment facilities) shall be chemically resistant and
preferably one-piece construction with covings to the wall.
Good Practice
A continuous floor reduces the potential for liquid absorption. Covings are recommended to facilitate
clean up. Surfaces should be as free of cracks, crevices, seams, and rough surfaces as possible to avoid
surface contamination traps.
10. The walls shall be non-porous and painted with a durable, impervious finish in
such a manner to facilitate decontamination and cleaning. High gloss paint is
Good Practice
11. Vented cabinets with electrical receptacles and sound insulation should be
provided for the placement of individual vacuum pumps, where their use is
anticipated. A one- to two-inch hole for the vacuum line hose from the cabinet
to the bench top should be provided as well as connection to an exhaust
Good Practice
10 Laboratory Safety Design Guide
April 2005
12. Provide shelves with clear plastic lips for seismic restraint. Lips should be ¾
inch above the shelf surface for bookshelves and 1.5 inches above the shelf
surface for shelves used to store breakable containers, chemicals, or other
hazardous materials.
D. Building Requirements
1. Designer Qualifications — The designer shall have the appropriate
professional license in his/her area of expertise and have prior experience
designing laboratories similar in scope to UW projects that he/she is being
hired to design.
Good Practice
2. Building Occupancy Classification and Control Areas— Occupancy
classification and control areas should be based upon an assessment of the
projected chemical inventory of the building. Early in building design, the
Architectural/Engineering (A/E) design team will need to assign occupancy
classification and control areas for specific areas of the building to ensure
conformance with building and fire codes.
1997 SBC Chapter 3 & 1997 SFC Article 80, Section 8001.10.2 (Sections applicable for existing UW
facilities. Consult with EH&S if project is located within an existing building.)
2003 SBC/WSBC (IBC) Chapter 3 & 2003 SFC/WSFC (IFC) Chapter 27 and associated chemical
specific chapters of the fire code.
3. Environmental Permits — The UW is the lead agency for compliance with the
State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA). Project managers shall consult with
the Environmental Planner for Capital Projects to identify environmental and
permit requirements for the building. This should be done well before key
resource allocation decisions are made.
Permit Process: Project Manager’s Reference Document for Environmental Stewardship (UW
E. Hazardous Materials Design Issues
1. Facilities shall be designed so that use of a respirator is not required for
normal operations.
Good Practice
2. A pressure-differential system should be used to control the flow of airborne
contamination. The flow should always be from clean areas to contaminated
areas, but it shall be recognized that similar areas may not always require the
same ventilation characteristics.
Good Practice
Laboratory Safety Design Guide 11
April 2005
3. There must be adequate in-laboratory storage cabinets to store reagents and
chemicals and to provide segregation of incompatible materials. Storage
design should be based on projected quantities and waste management
Chemical waste may be stored on site over a considerable length of time until a sufficient quantity
warrants off site disposal.
4. Sufficient space or facilities (e.g., storage cabinets with partitions, secondary
containment trays etc.) should be provided such that incompatible chemicals
and compressed gasses can be physically separated. When designing
shelves and shelf spacing, it is important to include enough space (height and
depth) for secondary containers.
NFPA 45, 7.2.1 and 7-2.3
Materials that in combination with other substances may cause a fire or explosion, or may liberate a
flammable or poisonous gas, shall be kept separate.
5. An area for a spill kit must be provided within the laboratory or at a
centralized area with a laboratory suite. Information on spill kits and
procedures may be found at www.ehs.washington.edu
Prudent Practices in the Laboratory
Laboratory employees are responsible for minor spills of the chemicals they commonly use. Major
spills typically result in a call to the local fire department’s Hazmat unit and are subsequently referred to
an outside contractor. Equipment and supplies for large spills may be necessary on a case-by-case basis
but is not common.
6. The laboratory shall have a means of securing specifically regulated
materials such as controlled substances regulated by the Drug Enforcement
Administration and radioactive materials, select agents, etc. (i.e., lockable
doors, lockable cabinets etc.), where applicable.
7. See Chapters 5 and 6 of the Guide for additional requirements for
compressed gas storage and hazardous materials cabinets.
F. Entries, Exits, and Aisle Width
1. Self-closing laboratory doors should be operable with a minimum of effort to
allow access and egress for physically challenged individuals. A 36-inch- or
42-inch-wide door should be provided which opens in the direction of egress.
(See the exception for BSL3 laboratories in Section 7 of this Guide). The exit
access doorway(s) from the laboratory shall have a minimum clear width of
32 inches when the door is open 90 degrees.
Good Practice
A main design factor for sizing laboratory doors will be equipment size within the laboratory. Door
width shall be based on the largest design factor whether that is code or equipment driven.
12 Laboratory Safety Design Guide
April 2005
2. Laboratory benches, laboratory equipment and other furniture or obstacles
shall not be placed so that there is less than five feet of clear egress.
Good Practice
Laboratory benches shall not impede emergency access to an exit. This is also applicable to placement
of other fixed furniture and appliances such as, refrigerators, etc.
3. The space between adjacent workstations and laboratory benches should be
five feet or greater to provide ease of access. In a teaching laboratory, the
desired spacing is six feet. Bench spacing shall be considered and included
in specifications and plans.
Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA)
NFPA 45, Chapters 2 and 3.
4. Spaces between benches, cabinets, and equipment shall be accessible for
cleaning and servicing of equipment.
Good Practice
Laboratory furniture should have smooth, nonporous surfaces to resist absorption, and shall not be
positioned in a manner that makes it difficult to clean spilled liquids or to conduct routine maintenance.
For example, positioning a Class II biosafety cabinet in a limited concave space might not allow the
biosafety cabinet certifier to remove the panels of the cabinet when inspecting the unit for recertification.
5. Laboratory doors that separate laboratory areas from non-laboratory areas
are to be automatically self-closing and may not be held open with
electromagnetic devices connected to the fire alarm.
Good Practice
This will defeat secondary containment provided by the Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning
(HVAC) system.
6. Door swings should consider room pressure gradients to facilitate door
closure operation (i.e., doors should swing into positive pressure areas and
out at negative pressure areas). Doors at pressurized stairs should have a
vestibule at the exit level to assist door closure operation.
Good Practice
This helps ensure secondary containment provided by the Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning
(HVAC) system.
7. Corridor width should be five to seven feet.
Good Practice
This width is generally optimal for moving equipment and preventing unwanted storage in the corridor.
G. Electrical and Utility Issues
Laboratory Safety Design Guide 13
April 2005
1. The laboratory shall be fitted with electrical circuits and receptacles that can
accommodate existing requirements plus an additional 30% to 40% capacity.
Good Practice
The laboratory may have several pieces of equipment that require large amounts of electrical current.
Such items include freezers, biosafety cabinets, centrifuges, and incubators. Permanent use of
extension cords is not allowed by the fire code.
2. Electrical receptacles above counter tops within six feet of sinks, safety
showers, or other sources of water, should have GFCI circuit protection
unless there is a physical separation between the receptacle and the sink.
NFPA Handbook 70, Chapter 2, 210-8
3. Laboratories shall be provided with light fixture on emergency power at the
entrance/exit door. Hallway and corridor emergency light shall be provided
based on the local code requirements.
Good Practice
SBC/WSBC (IBC) Section 1006.1
Pathway lighting in laboratories reduces the potential of personnel coming in contact with equipment
and hazardous materials while evacuating the laboratory. Supplemental requirements for UW owned
and operated buildings are also noted herein and in the UW Facilies Sevices Design Information Guide
maintained by Campus Engineering and Operations.
4. Emergency shutoff valves for natural gas lines shall be located outside the
lab behind an access panel (similar to a medical gas system). If the corridor
is accessible to the public, valves should be secured behind a break-glass
access panel, or equal. Provide at least one valve per floor. Consideration
should be given to locating valves at a height that allows easy access and
Plumbing Code Local Interpretation and Requirement – in lieu of approved and accessible “service”
Good Practice
In the event of an emergency, the laboratory may be unsafe to enter. Hence, valves for should be
located outside the laboratory. The local plumbing code authority has required these valves in research
buildings where equipment and bench-top valves are either not AGA approved or inaccessible. See also
“Non-structural Seismic Hazard Abatement”.
5. Flexible connections shall be used for connecting gas and other plumbed
utilities to any freestanding device (Group II devices), including but not limited
to biosafety cabinets, incubators, and liquid nitrogen freezers.
Good Practice
Seismic activity may cause gas and other utility connections to break as equipment moves. Leaking
natural gas is a fire hazard, and flexible connections minimize this potential hazard. See also “Nonstructural
Seismic Hazard Abatement”. Group I equipment is considered fixed to the building structure
and no subject to seismic movement. Group II equipment is considered equipment subject to seismic
movement and is typically freestanding or movable.
14 Laboratory Safety Design Guide
April 2005
H. Accessibility
Teaching and other public laboratory design should include adapted workbenches as
necessary. It is preferable to have some adjustable workbenches to allow for the large
variation in body size among individuals. Adjustable workbenches should include the
1. A work surface that can be adjusted to be from twenty-seven to thirty-seven
inches from the floor; a twenty-nine-inch clearance beneath the top to a
depth of at least twenty inches; a minimum width of thirty-six inches to allow
for leg space for the seated individual, and Utility and equipment controls
placed within easy reach.
ADA, Title III Public Accommodations and Services Operated by Private Entities Sec. 303 New
Construction and Alterations in Public Accommodations and Commercial Facilities
I. Non-Structural Seismic Hazard Abatement
1. All shelves shall have passive restraining systems. Shelf lips must be at least
one and one-half inch high. For shelves that only store books, a rubber type
sheet that you put under the books, designed specifically for this purpose,
can be used in lieu of lips. The shelves themselves shall be firmly fixed so
they cannot vibrate out of place and allow the shelf contents to fall.
Prudent Practices in the Laboratory 4.E.1 and 4.E.2
Installation of seismic lips on shelving areas will prevent stored items from falling during a seismic
2. Any equipment shall be permanently braced or anchored to the wall and/or
floor. This includes, but is not limited to, appliances and shelving (to be
installed by the contractor) which is forty-two inches or higher and has the
potential for blocking corridors or doors, or falling over during an earthquake.
All equipment requiring anchoring, whether installed by a contractor or the
UW, shall be anchored, supported and braced to the building structure.
Good Practice
This practice keeps such items from falling in the event of earthquakes and assures that safety while
exiting is not compromised.
3. All compressed-gas cylinders in service or in storage shall be secured to
substantial racks or, even more appropriate, sufficiently sturdy storage
brackets. They shall be secured with two chains, straps or equivalent, at
one-third and two-thirds the height of the cylinders to prevent their being
dislodged during a violent earthquake. NOTE: Clamping devices are not
acceptable as cylinder restraints.
Prudent Practices in the Laboratory 4.E.4
See also Chapter 5 for other compressed gas design concerns.
J. Teaching Laboratories
Laboratory Safety Design Guide 15
April 2005
Laboratory course instructors are faced with the task of introducing large numbers of
inexperienced people to the practice of handling hazardous materials. Often, the
student’s immediate supervisor is a graduate student Teaching Assistant (TA). The
teaching ability, experience, and communication skill of TA’s vary widely. Therefore, it
is very important to provide a quiet facility with clear lines of sight, more than sufficient
room to move about, and chemical storage devices which are both safe and obvious.
1. Adequate laboratory fume hoods shall be provided. A facility designed for
intensive chemistry use should have at least 2.5 linear feet of hood space per
student. Less intensive application should have hood space adequate for the
anticipated number of students. Hoods shall meet the specifications of
applicable portions of Chapter 3 of this Guide.
Prudent Practices in the Laboratory 8.C.4
2. Noise levels at laboratory benches shall be designed not to exceed 55 dBA to
allow students to see and hear the instructor from each workstation.
Prudent Practices in the Laboratory
Good Practice
Students shall be able to follow the safety, health, and emergency information during the laboratory
class period. It is very important to minimize the background noise, principally from air handling
Laboratory Construction Procedure – Laboratory Design
General Requirements for Design of Laboratories 1. The contract documents must contain an equipment and furnishings schedule that includes necessary product identification, function descriptions, handling, mechanical and electrical equipment/accessories, hardware indications, installation accessories and finishes. 2. Laboratories must meet the requirements of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 101, “Code for Safety to Life From Fire in Buildings and Structures.” Occupancy classification must depend upon the building in which the laboratory is located and the nature of the work performed in the laboratory. Laboratories must be classified as one of the following occupancies: A. Business B. Healthcare C. Industrial 3. Laboratories must conform to one of the following NFPA standards: A. NFPA 45: Standard on Fire Protection for Laboratories Using Chemicals B. NFPA 99: Standard for Health Care Facilities 4. Biohazard containment facilities must comply with guidelines published by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention and the National Institutes of Health, “Biological Safety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories.” 5. Biohazard Containment Facilities and Devices 5.1. PROHIBITED: Volatile hazardous chemicals (including natural gas) in biohazard cabinetry, unless the cabinet is entirely exhausted to the outside. Biohazard cabinets must comply with NSF/ANSI Biological Standard 49 for Class II Biohazard Cabinetry. 5.2 Minimal use of alcohol and other disinfectants to clean the inside of the cabinet is permissible in cabinets that are not entirely exhausted to the outside. More than minimal/incidental use of chemicals requires a risk assessment (contact Environmental Health and Safety). T he type of cabinet (non exhausted, partially exhausted or fully exhausted) and ducting system selected will depend upon a thorough risk assessment of the organisms, chemicals and processes intended to be used. See guidance from the Centers for Disease Control for further information (http://www.cdc.gov/od/ohs/biosfty/bsc/bsc.htm). 5.3. Laminar flow clean air devices such as clean benches must comply with Institute of Environmental Sciences (IES) Standard IES-RP-CC002. Since laminar flow clean benches provide only product particle protection, not operator or environmental protection, hazardous physical, chemical or biological agents cannot be safely used in these devices. 5.4 To start the design process for a Biosafety Level 3 facility, complete the checklist in Appendix – BSL3 Checklist to facilitate communication between project team members, university staff and outside agencies. Each project team needs to create a project-specific checklist by reviewing the generic checklist to identify the items that pertain to that specific project and add or amend items as needed. 6. Compartmentalization of each laboratory unit must be achieved by providing it with at least: A. One-hour fire-rated separation from adjacent laboratories or other areas B. Self-closing fire doors with at least a 20-minute fire rating C. Class A interior finishes D. Class I floor finishes E. Doors to corridors from laboratories that swing in the direction of exit 7. Provide a minimum of two exits in laboratories larger than 200 square feet, where hazardous materials are used. 8. Aisles serving a single work area must be a minimum of 36 inches wide. Double aisles must be a minimum of 60 inches wide. Avoid aisles longer than 20 feet. Arrange furniture for easy access to an exit from any point in the laboratory. 9. Faucets, to which a hose or similar device may be attached, must be providedwith an approved vacuum breaker. Alternately, a special laboratory water supply equipped with an RPZ back flow device to separate it from the potable water maybe provided. If a laboratory water system is provided, all connected outlets must be labeled “Not Potable.” 10. A safety shower and eyewash must be provided in each lab area equipped with a fume hood. In other laboratories using chemicals, eyewash must be required. If feasible, control the water supply to a temperature between 60 degrees F and 95 degrees F. Refer to Appendix S - Emergency Eyewash and Safety Shower Installation. All rooms where Biosafety Level 2 and above organisms are manipulated require an eyewash and a hand wash sink. 11. Provide a single shut-off valve for each laboratory in accessible locations or central supply of flammable, combustible or oxidizing gases. Valves must be outside of the areas in which the gases are used. These shut-off valves are in addition to those at the points of supply and use. They may be located adjacent to the corridor exit from the lab or, if security is not a problem, in the corridor. 12. Storage and supply systems for compressed and liquefied gases mustcomply with requirements of NFPA and ANSI. Consult the following standards: A. NFPA 50, Standard for Bulk Oxygen Systems at Consumer Sites B. NFPA 50A, Standard for Gaseous Hydrogen Systems at Consumer Sites C. NFPA 50B, Liquefied Hydrogen Systems at Consumer Sites D. NFPA 51, Design and Installation of Oxygen-Fuel Gas Systems for Cutting and Welding E. NFPA 54, National Fuel Gas Code F. NFPA 55, Compressed and Liquefied Gases in Portable Cylinders G. NFPA 58, Standard for the Storage and Handling of Liquefied Petroleum Gases H. NFPA 99, Standard for Health Care Facilities Chapter 3 - Use of Inhalation Anesthetics (flammable and non-flammable) Chapter 4 - Use of Inhalation Anesthetics in Ambulatory Care Facilities Chapter 5 - Respiratory Therapy I. ANSI B31.1.0, Power Piping, including Addenda B31.1.0(a), B31.1.1.0(c) and B31.1.1.0(d) J. ANSI B31.2, Fuel Gas Piping K. ANSI B31.3, Petroleum Refinery Piping 13. Systems for other gases must comply with the manufacturer’s recommendations. "The Handbook of Compressed Gases" by the Compressed Gas Association and the "Matheson Gas Data Book" by Matheson Gas Products may be consulted as a reference standard. 14. Controls for air, gas and other utilities must be color-coded and labeled in accordance with the Scientific Equipment and Furniture Association (SEFA) 7 as follows: Number Service Color Code Color of Letter 1 Cold Water Dark Green CW White 2 Chilled Water Brown CH White 3 Hot Water Red HW White 4 Steam Black STM White 5 Air Orange AIR Black 6 Gas Dark Blue GAS White 7 Vacuum Yellow VAC Black 8 Distilled Water White DW Black 9 Oxygen Light Green OXY White 10 Hydrogen Pink H Black 11 Nitrogen Gray N Black 12 All Other Rare Gases Light Blue Chemical Symbol Black 14. Provide fire extinguishers based on the basis of the area protected and hazard class. Refer to NFPA 10. Provide an UL-listed, 5 pound multipurpose dry chemical fire extinguisher with at least a 1A20BC rating mounted near an exit for each laboratory unit. 15. Laboratories Using Hazardous Chemicals 15.1. PROHIBITED: Recirculation of exhaust air from laboratories, except in a clean room with an air lock. 15.2. PROHIBITED: Returned air from corridors in laboratory areas. Supply air to the corridor only. 15.3. Laboratories using hazardous chemicals must be under .01 inches WG (2 PA) negative pressure with respect to adjacent areas. 16. Provide at least 30 percent pre-filter and an 80 percent filter meeting ASHRAE 5276 dust spot efficiency filters in the air supply. Air filters must be located downstream of the fan. 17. Humidifiers must be located downstream of fans and filters. Indirect clean steam humidifying is required. 18. Labs where hazardous chemicals are used in closed systems or in a fume hood must have between six and 12 air changes per hour. Where open use of hazardous chemicals is planned, 10 or more air changes per hour must be necessary. 19. Special purpose exhaust devices must be designed with reference to the latest edition of "Industrial Ventilation: A Manual of Recommended Practice by the American Conference of Government Industrial Hygienists." 20. Reagent grade 3 water is adequate for central building distribution. Reagent grade 3 water, as specified by the College of American Pathologists or the National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards, is resistive at 25 degrees C of 0.1 megohms/centimeter and a pH between 5 and 8. If needed, higher-grade water can be generated at the point of use. Refer to Division 15, Section 15400 - Plumbing, item 3. High Purity Water Systems for more information. 21. Outlets must be provided for fixed appliances, and one duplex must be provided for each 3 feet of bench length or more often if required by the program. Identify emergency power outlets in accordance with Division 16, Section 16140 - Wiring Devices. 22. Provide ground fault circuit interrupters (GFIs) on electrical outlets within 6 feet of all sinks. 23. To facilitate long-term maintenance and remain flexible about reusing casework, metal casework must be provided. The following items are preferred in chemical laboratories and may be required when appropriate: A. Metal laboratory furniture with stainless or 1-inch epoxy resin bench top B. Wall cabinets with a continuous enclosed front plane to the ceiling C. Chemical-resistant waste lines D. A glassware cleaning sink at least 12 inches deep 24. Laboratory floors, walls and doors require the following items: 24.1. Floors must be covered with a smooth, non-porous, seamless sheet that is resistant to a wide range of chemicals. The sheet must have a cove along walls and permanently placed furnishings. Floor openings must be sealed watertight. 24.2. Walls and doors must be constructed or painted with a smooth, non-absorbent, washable material. 24.3. Lighting fixtures must be flush-mounted with the ceiling and have removable, easily cleaned diffusers. 25. When infectious agents, human body fluids and general microbiology products are generated, an autoclave must be designated to handle decontamination. It must be provided with a dedicated exhaust to control odors. The exhaust system must include a canopy over the door to the autoclave. 26. Provide adequate storage volume for research chemicals and waste. Chemical resistant storage trays must be furnished to contain a spill of free liquid in the storage unit. Refer to Appendix - Laboratory Casework. Laboratory Construction Procedure Appendix – Fume Hoods 1. Provide fume hoods that safely capture hazardous, flammable, corrosive or toxic chemicals, and that allow for changes in laboratory function and fume hood use. 2. Governing Regulations 2.1. See Appendix – Laboratory Design for a list of governing regulations and reference standards. 2.2. University of Minnesota Standards and Procedures for Construction must be reviewed for specific specifications on material and equipment. These are general standards for typical research uses. In special circumstances, different standards may apply. 3. General Features 3.1. PROHIBITED: Installing heated drying base cabinets under fume hoods. 3.2. Fume hoods in research laboratories must comply with ANSI/AIHA Z9.5 Class A performance standards. Capture efficiency as installed and used must be at least 4 AUO.1 per ANSI/ASHRAE. 3.3. Locate fume hoods in distal corners of a laboratory and away from high traffic areas to avoid high turbulence and blocking an exit if there is an emergency. 3.4. Provide 2 lineal feet of storage space for each lineal foot of fume hood width. Refer to Division 12, Section 12345 - Laboratory Casework. Ventilate half of this space. Provide sufficient storage space to protect new and waste chemicals. Without adequate storage space, containers of waste chemicals are often boxed and stacked on the floor where they might be broken and cause injury. 4. Laboratory Ventilation Systems 4.1. Laboratory ventilation systems shall be addressed with the Department of Environmental Health and Safety (DEHS), Facilities Management and the code officials during the program phase of the design process. 4.2. Ensure that the laboratory is under negative pressure and has at least four air changes per hour. Labs where hazardous chemicals are used in closed systems or in a fume hood shall have between six and 12 air changes per hour. Where open use of hazardous chemicals is planned, 10 or more air changes per hour shall be necessary. 4.3. Noise from the laboratory ventilation system shall not exceed NC 45 throughout the laboratory. 5. Supply Air Requirements 5.1. PROHIBITED: Auxiliary air supply hoods. 5.2. PROHIBITED: Cross drafts in rooms. 5.3. To ventilate efficiently and minimize turbulence, diffuse supply air from behind the operator. Consider technology that diffuses air in a radial manner with high volume and low velocity, or pattern-control technology. 6. Exhaust System Requirements 6.1. PROHIBITED: Modulating or controlling fume hood exhaust volumes to balance air requirements for air conditioning or heating. 6.2. PROHIBITED: Fire or smoke dampers in any chemical fume exhaust duct. 6.3. Systems shall be installed in accordance with the requirements of NFPA 91, Standard for the Installation of Blower and Exhaust Systems. 6.4. High duct velocity results in high noise levels, excessive leakage and high power consumption. Therefore, air velocity on the suction of the fan shall be a minimum of 1,000 feet per minute (fpm) and shall not exceed 2,000 fpm under any circumstances. A velocity of 1,200 fpm is recommended. 6.5. The average fume hood face velocity shall be 100 +/- 10 fpm with the vertical-sliding sash at 18 inches above the work surface. Also, on hoods wider than 4 feet, the safety shield must be in place. Readings shall be measured in the center of several square grids measured in the plane of the face opening. In addition, individual face velocities shall not exceed 20 percent of the open-face velocity average. 6.6. Fume hoods shall run continuously to minimize potential hazards when the fume hoods are off. Only the maintenance staff shall control the on/off switches. 6.7. General-purpose fume hood ductwork shall be 304 stainless steel. The fan and housing shall be corrosion resistant. Special purpose hoods may be constructed of other materials only after thorough review with DEHS and the user. 6.8. Ductwork shall be round to ensure uniform airflow. 6.9. Laboratory units shall have a one-hour, fire-resistance rating. Sheet metal ductwork usually provides one-hour fire separation. Where more than one-hour, fire-rated separation is required or if the use of combustible ductwork materials is proposed, a ductwork enclosure may be needed to meet the required fire rating. 6.10. General-purpose fume hoods shall be ducted individually. However, up to four hoods in the same room may be connected to a common exhaust duct leading from that room to an exhaust fan. If more than one hood is connected to an exhaust duct, a balanced, drop without a damper must be engineered or blast gate dampers must be provided. Fume hoods provided with filter enclosures always shall be individually ducted. 6.11. Fume hood exhaust systems shall function independently of the general building HVAC system. 6.12. Provide an independent exhaust system for associated equipment in the same room such as flammable liquid storage cabinets, biological safety cabinets and atomic absorption units. In exceptional circumstances, associated equipment may be exhausted into the fume hood ductwork. On hoods with filter enclosures, associated equipment shall be connected between the hood and the filter enclosure. 7. Exhaust Filter Enclosures 7.1. PROHIBITED: Proprietary or custom-sized filters and pre-filters. 7.2. Exhaust filters are not normally required or even recommended. However, if a filter is necessary, comply with the following provisions: 7.2.1. The filter enclosure must be airtight and constructed of stainless steel. 7.2.2. When a filter enclosure is required, it shall be easily accessible from the outside of the hood. The filter enclosure shall provide bag-in/bag-out of filters, so the maintenance staff is not exposed to collected material. 7.2.3. Provide an indicator on hoods with a filter enclosure that is clearly visible and indicates when the pressure drops across the filter. 7.2.4. Use a standard-size pre-filter and charcoal and/or HEPA filter on the filter enclosure. 7.2.5. To allow for filter loading, the initial, average face velocity of the fume hood shall be 120 fpm with the sash at 18 inches and a clean filter. 8. Fans and Discharge 8.1. PROHIBITED: Square to round fabric connectors. 8.2. PROHIBITED: Radial-blade, paddle-wheel type centrifugal fans. 8.3. Use forward or backward curved industrial duty fans for fume hood systems. Select fans that have a chemical resistant coating and meet selected noise criteria. 8.4. Discharge ducts and fan housing shall be airtight when fans are installed in an equipment room. Fan shafts shall be sealed with a stuffing box shaft seal or equivalent device. Alternatively, install a fan with wheel back plate fins that pull air into the fan from the shaft opening. Seamless welded ductwork shall be installed on the discharge side of the fan. Transition fittings between the fan housing and discharge ductwork shall be factory fabricated with round connections. Flexible connectors shall have flanged ends and shall be factory fabricated. 8.5. Provide rain protection that does not increase discharge air pressure or deflect air downward. 8.6. Stack-design and discharge velocity shall distribute contaminants outside the eddy current envelope of the building. On structures with roof areas at more than one level, discharge ducts within 30 feet of a higher level shall terminate at a point at least 10 feet above the elevation of the higher level. 8.7. Consider clustering discharge ductwork or inducing outside air to help dilute discharge and increase the mass of the air column. Doing so raises the height of the column stack. 8.8. Maintain the maximum distance from fresh air intakes on the building and on adjacent buildings. Maintain at least 100 feet between fume hood exhausts and fresh air intakes. 8.9. Ventilate the equipment room where fume hood exhaust fans are located. 9. Fume Hood Construction 9.1. Non-combustible, corrosion-resistant construction is required. 9.2. Use an airfoil design to minimize air turbulence entering the hood. 9.3. Provide a vertical sliding safety glass sash that is balanced and counterweighted so it can be raised or lowered with one hand from any point along the bottom. 9.4. The vertical sliding safety glass sash shall have a positive steel mechanical latch 18 inches above the work surface. The latch prevents the operator from opening the sash above 18 inches without intervention. The operator shall be able to handle the latch with one hand and close it from any position. 9.5. Provide an 11-inch wide to 12-inch wide horizontal sliding safety-glass shield on hoods that are 4 feet and longer. The shield shall be suspended on bearings or slide in an easily cleaned channel. It must be supported so pressure is not displaced and the user cannot remove it. 9.6. A removable safety shield is permitted on hoods that are 4 feet or shorter. When a removable shield is provided, do not consider the area of the shield when calculating the exhaust volume of the fume hood. 9.7. Provide an air by-pass so that the face velocity of the hood does not exceed 200 fpm as the sash is lowered. 9.8. Locate electrical outlets on the exterior of the fume hood. 9.9. Locate utility controls for gas, water and vacuum on the exterior of the hood with utility outlets mounted on the interior sidewall. Label and color-code controls. 9.10. Provide a liquid-tight work surface built to contain at least 3/8-inches of liquid. 9.11. Mount cup sinks on a raised lip to partly contain a spill before the liquid flows into the sink. The cup sinks shall be 1/16 of an inch lower than the surrounding raised margins of the work surface. 9.12. Provide an electronic airflow indicator with an audible alarm in a conspicuous location so that the user can see the status of the airflow. Set the low airflow alarm at 80 fpm. 9.13. Interior lighting shall be vapor-sealed and covered with a safety glass lens. Bulbs shall be changeable from the exterior of the hood. Illumination levels at the working surface shall be at least 80 foot-candles. 10. Additional Requirements: Radioisotope Fume Hoods 10.1. Contact DEHS for construction requirements pertinent to the user’s license. 10.2. The interior lining and baffles of the fume hood shall be smooth, polished, type 304 stainless steel. The need for seamless welded construction depends upon NRC license requirements. Usually, seamless welded construction is not required. 10.3. The work surface shall be capable of supporting up to 200 pounds per square foot of shielding material. 10.4. Work surface corners shall be smooth, seamless stainless steel with 1/2-inch radius. 10.5. An exhaust filter enclosure with a pre-filter and a HEPA and/or charcoal filter usually is not required for radioisotope hoods. If required, however, the enclosure must meet the specifications detailed in item 7. Exhaust Filter Enclosures of this appendix. 11. Additional Requirements: Perchloric Acid Fume Hoods 11.1. PROHIBITED: Connecting perchloric acid hood ductwork to other exhaust equipment. 11.2. Hoods and exhaust ductwork shall be constructed of acid-resistant, nonreactive, impervious materials. All duct work seams and joints shall be welded and watertight. 11.3. Ductwork shall be installed in the shortest and straightest path to the outside. Provide positive drainage back to the hood. 11.4. A water spray system shall be provided to wash down the entire exhaust system from the hood interior behind the baffle, through the fan, and up to the roofline. The hood work surface shall be watertight with a minimum depression of 1/2 inch at the front and sides. An integral trough shall be provided at the rear of the hood to collect wash down water and direct it to a drain. The baffle shall be removable for cleaning. Provide a hose bib within 40 feet of the discharge stack to allow for manual wash down. 11.5. Provide controls so that the user can easily wash down the system. Also provide an automatic wash down cycle. The duration of the automatic cycle depends on the configuration of the ductwork. Because wash down of a contaminated hood requires up to 24 hours of continuous washing, provide manual override of the automatic cycle. 11.6. Provide an easily readable placard on the face of the hood that states: “Wash down often. Perchloric acid (HClO4) can violently decompose on contact with organic compounds such as acetic acid, alcohols, ketones, aldehydes, ethers, dialkyl sulfoxides, paper, wood, grease and oils. Perchlorate compounds formed by reaction with heavy metals, alkali metals, ammonium or some organic materials can be shock sensitive explosives.” 11.7. Provide an easily readable placard on the exhaust fan in the penthouse and on the discharge stack above the roof that states: “Perchloric acid exhaust system - EXPLOSION HAZARD - verify system has been decontaminated before performing any maintenance work.” Laboratory Construction Procedure Appendix – Emergency Showers and Eyewashes 1. Intent: Provide an effective method of flushing corrosive or irritating materials out of the eyes or off the body. 2. Governing Regulations: See Appendix – Laboratory Design for a list of governing regulations and reference standards. 3. General Requirements 3.1. Locate eyewashes and safety showers in areas where the eyes or body may be exposed to corrosive chemicals such as laboratories, battery operations and corrosive dip tanks. 3.2. Locate eyewashes and safety showers so that the maximum distance from the hazard does not exceed 100 feet and so that they can be reached within 10 seconds. Occupants must not pass through a doorway or weave through equipment to reach the eyewash and safety shower. 3.3. Locate eyewashes and safety showers in the normal path of egress. For example, in a laboratory, the eyewash and safety shower shall be near a corridor door. 3.4. If it is feasible, water supplied to eyewashes and safety showers shall be tempered at 60 degrees F to 95 degrees F. 3.5. Use potable water to supply eyewashes and safety showers. 3.6. To provide consistency to building occupants, the activation device for the eyewash and safety shower must be uniform throughout the building. 4. Eyewash and Face Wash Performance Standard 4.1. Eyewashes shall provide a curtain of water over the entire facial area. Streams of water shall be simultaneously released from two sides to clean foreign particles or liquids from both the eyes and facial area. The discharge pressure of the stream must be less than 25 psi. 4.2. Eyewashes shall have a flow rate of at least three gallons per minute. 4.3. The eyewash control shall be the paddle type with dimensions approximately 4 inches by 4 inches. The control shall require no more than 10 ounces of force for activation. The valve shall remain activated until intentionally shut off. 4.4. The maximum distance from the floor to the eyewash jets shall be 36 inches. 4.5. Drain eyewash fixtures directly into the sanitary sewer in accordance with the Minnesota Plumbing Code. 5. Safety Shower Performance Standard 5.1. Safety showers shall be deluge types with a continuous flow valve. The valve shall remain activated until intentionally shut off. 5.2. Safety showers may be installed in combination with an eyewash fixture. The supply lines and connections of combination units shall not create obstructions for persons using the laboratory. 5.3. Provide a head discharge of at least 30 gallons per minute for safety showers. 5.4. The distance from the floor to the shower shall be 82 inches to 96 inches. 5.5. Wall cord, ring and chain, or pull bar, located no higher than 48 inches from the floor may activate the shower. To prevent accidental discharge, locate the activating device so that it is not in the way of normal occupant activity. Laboratory Construction Procedure Appendix – Laboratory Furnishings This appendix includes specifications for all items of furnishings such as window treatment, fabrics, furniture, rugs, seating and similar items. The A/E shall develop specific standards for furnishings in cooperation with the owner's representative as required for each project. Consider user requirements and concerns for ergonomics, durability, serviceability and maintainability, as well as appearance when selecting and specifying furnishings. Consult the ergonomic requirements and established contracts for the proper application. 1. Governing Regulations for Hazardous Chemical Storage Cabinets A. Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Regulations MR Chapter 7045 B. Minnesota Uniform Building Code MR Chapter 1300 C. Minnesota Uniform Fire Code MR Chapter 7510 D. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 45 or NFPA 99 E. Occupational Exposure to Hazardous Chemicals in Laboratories 29 CFR 1910.1450 2. Metal laboratory casework and accessories shall comply with Appendix - Laboratory Design as required for complete installation. The casework shall be manufactured, delivered and installed by and under the direct supervision of a single manufacturer to ensure a single source of responsibility. All related work is subject to compliance with university standards. Fisher-Hamilton and Kewaunee are acceptable manufacturers. 3. Metal laboratory casework countertops shall be either 1-inch epoxy resin or stainless steel. 4. Provide at least 2 lineal feet of base cabinet storage for each lineal foot of fume hood width. Storage under a fume hood may account for half of the required storage. Ventilate the chemical storage cabinets located under a fume hood. Chemical resistant storage trays shall be furnished to contain a spill of free liquid in the storage unit. Sufficient protected storage must be provided to accommodate new chemicals and packaged waste. Without adequate storage space, containers of waste chemicals that are stacked on the floor may be subject to breakage. Contact the Department of Environmental Health and Safety (DEHS) to determine adequate storage for the intended use. 5. Flammable Liquid Storage Cabinets 5.1. Flammable storage cabinet top, bottom, sides and doors shall not be less than 18-gauge steel, double-walled construction with 1-1/2 inches of space for air between the walls. Cabinets also may be constructed from 1-inch exterior grade plywood with rabbet joints fastened in two directions by wood screws and painted with intumescent paint. Cabinet doors shall be equipped with a three-point latch system. A liquid tight pan that can hold 2 inches of liquid shall be provided. 5.2. When installed under a fume hood, a cabinet shall be ventilated at a rate of at least 5 cfm to maintain air pressure by a duct penetrating behind the baffle to at least 1 inch above the work surface. Make up air supply for the cabinet shall be taken from the pipe space behind the cabinet. Supply vents shall not be placed on the front or side of the cabinet to avoid drawing hot gases from the laboratory fire into the cabinet. Flame arrestors shall be provided on all flammable storage cabinet vents (inlets and outlets). 5.3. When the cabinet is free standing, it may not be necessary to ventilate it. 5.4. The front of the storage cabinet shall be labeled "FLAMMABLE-KEEP FIRE AWAY" with at least 1-inch high, 1/4-inch stroke red letters against a contrasting background. 6. Corrosive Chemical Storage Cabinets 6.1. Corrosive chemical storage base cabinets shall be constructed from a complete corrosion-resistant liner. The cabinet must be ventilated at the rate of at least five cfm. 6.2. When installed under a fume hood, vent pipes shall extend above the work surface and behind the fume baffle to at least 1 inch above the work surface. Flame arrestors are not required. Relief air vents may be provided in the cabinet door. 6.3. The cabinet shall be provided with a removable, corrosion-resistant, liquid-tight pan that can hold 2 inches of liquid. Cabinets shall be labeled "ACID STORAGE" with at least 1-inch high, 1/4-inch stroke letters. 7. Gas Cabinets: Gas cabinets shall be constructed on not less than 12-gauge steel. To access and view controls, cabinets may be provided with self-closing, limited access ports that also may have a safety glass window. Gas cabinets shall be exhausted. Cabinets may be ducted to a fume hood or general exhaust. If provided with an access port, the average face velocity across the open port must be at least 200 fpm. 8. Seating: 8.1 Chairs shall be chosen from those that the university has approved as having adequate ergonomic features. Contact University Purchasing for more information. Also refer to the DEHS Web site for more information on ergonomic issues: www.dehs.umn.edu/ergo. 8.2 Laboratory chairs shall be constructed of material that can be easily wiped clean and decontaminated in the event of chemical, biological or radioactive spills. 8.3. Knee hole space for computer workstations in laboratories shall not have drawers. Laboratory Construction Procedure Appendix – BSL3 Checklist This document consists of a list of BSL-3 elements that are required (R), optional but recommended (OR), or not applicable (NA) depending on the intended use of the facility. The source indicates the document or entity that requires the element. BMBL = CDC/NIH publication Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories 5th Edition, UM = University of Minnesota BSL 3 Task Force, DEHS = Department of Environmental Health and Safety BSL-3 Elements Required For ALL Facilities R / OR / NA Source 1 Access to the laboratory is restricted to entry by a series of two self-closing doors. R BMBL 2 The laboratory must be separated from areas that are open to unrestricted traffic flow within the building. R BMBL 3 A clothes change/Personal Protective Equipment area is included in the in the entryway to the facility. R BMBL 4 Hand washing sinks must operate hands-free (foot pedal or automatic) R BMBL 5 Sink(s) must be located near the exit door(s), if the laboratory is segregated into different laboratories, a sink must also be available for hand washing in each zone. R BMBL 6 Metal furniture should be rust resistant and tolerant of corrosive disinfectants R UM 7 Floors must be slip resistant, impervious to liquids, and resistant to chemicals. Floors should be seamless, sealed, resilient or poured floor with integral cove bases. R BMBL 8 Walls should be constructed to produce a sealed smooth finish that can be easily cleaned and decontaminated. R BMBL 9 Ceilings should be constructed, sealed, and finished in the same general manner as walls. R BMBL 10 Spaces between benches, cabinets, and equipment must be accessible for cleaning. R BMBL 11 Bench tops must be impervious to water and resistant to heat, organic sovents, acids, alkalis, and other chemicals. R BMBL 12 Cabinets must have impervious surfaces R UM 13 Chairs must be covered with a non-porous material that can be easily cleaned and decontaminated. R BMBL 14 All windows in the laboratory must be sealed R BMBL 15 Viewing window(s) should be provided to observe operations within the lab, window(s) can be within a door or a wall. O UM 16 Autoclave required within facility (pass-through preferred when possible) R BMBL 17 Exhaust capture hood above autoclave door (Depends on type of autoclave installation.) R UM 18 Bioseal between the autoclave and the wall/floor for pass-thru autoclaves R BMBL 19 Eyewash in each room where biohazardous material is handled (eyewashes to be in compliance with UM construction standard). R BMBL 20 HEPA filter all exhaust from BSL 3 containment facility including plumbing and sterilizer vents. R UM 21 Laboratory exhaust air must not re-circulate to any other area of the building. R BMBL 22 Ventilation system must provide sustained directional airflow by drawing air into the laboratory from the "clean" areas toward "potentially contaminated" areas. The laboratory shall be designed such that under ventilation failure conditions the airflow will not be reversed. R BMBL 23 A visual monitoring device which confirms directional air flow must be provided at the lab entry. (Between ante-room and lab.) R BMBL 24 Audible and light alarm to notify workers if the exhaust system fails - Light alarm only in animal areas R UM 25 Lighting fixtures should be gasketed or otherwise sealed to alllow for gas decontamination and to prevent contaminated air from being drawn into light fixture as it cools. R UM 26 Consider placing ballasts outside the containment area. O/R UM 27 Place mechanics for any temperature controlled rooms outside the containment area. O/R UM 28 Seal all electric outlets R BMBL 29 Circuits should be equipped with GFCI devices as required by building codes R UM 30 All utility pipe, duct penetrations and ceiling diffusers should be sealed R BMBL 31 Spaces around doors and ventilaton openings should be capable of being sealed to facilitate space decontamination. R BMBL 32 Biological safety cabinets are required for all handling of BSL 3 material. Non-vented Class II A cabinets are acceptable if no work is to be done with volatile chemicals. All work with volatile chemicals requires a hard-ducted Class II B2 cabinet. R BMBL 33 Biological safety cabinets must be installed so that fluctuations of the room air supply and exhaust do not interfere with proper operaton of cabinets. Cabinets should be located away from doors, heavily traveled laboratory areas, and other possible airflow disruptions. R BMBL 34 Room supply air must be provided in such a manner that prevents positive pressurization of biosafety cabinets. R BMBL 35 Emergency power sufficient to maintain negative pressure, continued operation of critical equipment, maintain security, and provide lights for safe containment of biohazardous materials and exit of facility. R UM 36 Central Security System designed in conjunction with facility risk assessment and Department of Central Security R UM 37 Fire suppresion system designed in conjunction with facility design and SOPs to reduce risk of contaminated water leaving the facility R/O DEHS 38 Utility equipment and control panels to be outside the containment area O/R UM 39 All plumbing leaving the containment area should be identified with labels/tags R UM 40 Fixtures and pipes should be resistant to the corrosive actions of disinfectants R UM 41 Plumbing back-flow preventers included. R UM 42 No house vacuum, use portable vacuum pumps R UM 43 Facility design consideration should be given to means of decontaminating large pieces of equipment before removal from laboratory. (One means would be to have a separate suply/equipment access vestibule that could be used for gas decontamination.) R BMBL 44 Effluent treatment to be managed in conjunction with risk assessment for organisms to be used. Document effluent handling and justify method. R UM 45 Gases such as CO2 to be piped in so tanks do not need to be moved in and out of containment area. O/R UM 46 Include supply and exhaust dampers that are gas-tight and closable from outside the containment area/room. R DEHS 47 Provide an electronic means (computer, FAX machine) to transfer data out of the lab R UM 48 Hands free communication between inside and outside of the lab (if intercom system is provided there must still be a phone to call for outside help -911) O/R UM 49 Interlock supply and exhaust fans to maintain negative pressure if there is a failure in a ventilation system component R U of M 50 Audible and visual fire alarms - light alarm only in animal areas R U of M 51 Gas-tight exhaust ductwork that can be leak tested and sealed for gas decontamination R U of M 52 Duct work to have ports to instill vaporized hydrogen peroxide (VHP) . O/R U of M 53 HEPA filter housings with gas-tight isolation dampers, decontamination ports, and access for testing and decontamination of filters while in place. R U of M 54 Pre-filters upstream of all exhaust HEPA filters. Two pre-filters for aniaml rooms. (30% pre-filters or improved efficiency low- resistance filters as technolgy develops) R U of M 55 Primary HVAC control systems external to the containment area - per system design and as appropriate. R U of M 56 Room ports for gas decontamination O/R DEHS 57 Designate which components/equipment need to be alarmed. Designate which alarms need to go to BSAC and include in design. R U of M 58 Include reduced pressure back-flow prevention wate system. R U of M BSL-3 Elements Required For Animal Facilities In Addition To Above Elements Required For All BSL 3 Facilities R / OR / NA Source 1 The animal facility must be separated from areas that are open to unrestricted traffic flow within the building. External facility doors must be self-closing and self-locking. R BMBL 2 Entry into the containment area is via a double-door entry which constitutes an anteroom/airlock and a change room. (Showers are based on risk assessment.) R BMBL 3 Visual monitoring device that indicates and confirms directional inward airflow must be provided at the animal room entry. R BMBL 4 Provide visual alarm inside animal and procedure rooms to notify personnel of ventilation and HVAC system failure. (No audible alarms, disturbing to animals.) R UM 5 Doors to areas where infectious materials and/or animal are housed open inward and are self-closing. R BMBL 6 Animal room ventilation must be in accordance with the Guide for Care and Use of Laboratory Animals. R BMBL 7 An additonal double-door access anteroom or double-doored autoclave may be provided for movement of supplies and wastes into and out of the facility. O/R BMBL 8 A hand washing sink must be located at the exit of the areas where infectious materials and/or animals are housed or are manipulated. Sinks should be hands-free or automatically operated. R BMBL 9 If the animal facility has multiple segregated areas where infectious materials and/or animals are housed or are manipulated, a sink must also be available for hand washing at the exit from each segregated area. R BMBL 10 Interior surfaces (walls, floors, ceilings) must be water resistant. Walls, floors, and ceilings should form a sealed and sanitizable surface. R BMBL 11 Floors must be slip resistant, impervious to liquids, and resistant to chemicals. Floors should be seamless, sealed, resilient or poured floor with integral cove bases. R BMBL 12 Penetrations in floors, walls and ceiling surfaces must be sealed, including openings around ducts, doors and door frames, to facilitate pest control, proper cleaning, and decontamination. R BMBL 13 Cabinetts and bench tops must be impervious to water and resistant to heat, organic sovents, acids, alkalis, and other chemicals. Spaces between benches, cabinets, and equipment should be accessible for cleaning. R BMBL 14 External windows are not recommended; if present must be sealed and resistant to breakage. R BMBL 15 HEPA filtered Animal transfer stations R UM 16 Individually ventilated cage (IVC) systems or other animal containment system in accordance with risk assessment. R UM 17 Light fixtures, air ducts, utility pipes, etc. in animal rooms should be arranged in order to provide the minimum horizontal surface areas, to facilitate cleaning and to minimize the accumulation of debris or fomites. R BMBL 18 Include biosafety cabinet or other physical containment devices in animal holding rooms and animal procedure rooms for all handling of infectious materials and animals. (This should be placed and installed as indicated in the above elements for all BSL 3 facilities.) R BMBL 19 Eyewashes to be provided in all rooms were infectious materials are handled. R UM BSL-3 Elements Required For Plant Facilities R / OR / NA Source 1 Entrance to the containment area must be via an airlock with a pair of self-closing doors lockable doors R APHIS 2 Containment areas should not be adjacent to unrestricted public traffic areas R APHIS 3 Metal furniture should be rust resistant and tolerant of corrosive disinfectants R APHIS 4 A clothes change/Personal Protective Equipment area in the entryway to the suite R APHIS 5 Entrance/exit via a clothing change room and shower R APHIS 6 Walls, floors and ceilings must be water resistant and easily cleanable R APHIS 7 All walls and ceilings should be finished with a a material that will withstand frequent decontamination and cleaning R APHIS 8 Coved, slip resistant floor - continuous floor system or seamless sheet vinyl R APHIS 9 Bench tops, cabinets, and furniture must be impervious to water, rust resistant, tolerant of corrosive disinfectants, and resistant to common chemicals R APHIS 10 Separate lab access for staff and samples/equipment OR UM 11 Windows in the laboratory, interior or exterior, must be fixed and permanently sealed R APHIS 12 Viewing safety window(s) should be provided to observe operations within the lab - Viewing window may be in either a wall or a door. R U of M 13 Autoclave (Required to be available for all BSL 3, pass-through preferred) R APHIS 14 HEPA filter exhaust air for all BSL 3 facilities R UM 15 Exhaust air is not recirculated to any other area of the building R UM 16 Exhaust capture hood above autoclave door (Depends on type of autoclave installation.) OR UM 17 Bioseal between the autoclave and the wall/floor (only pertains to pass-thru autoclaves) R APHIS 18 Eyewash in each room where biohazardous/chemical material is handled R UM 19 Lighting fixtures should be gasketed or otherwise sealed as deemed necessary by a risk assesment OR UM 20 Fixtures should be designed for easy cleaning and decontamination R APHIS 21 Waterproof electric outlets as deemed necessary by a risk assesment OR UM 22 Seal all electric outlets that are resessed withing the containment wall or surface mount all electricl outlets R APHIS 23 Circuits should be equipped with GFCI devices as required by building codes R UM 24 All utility pipe, duct penetrations and ceiling diffusers should be sealed between containment and non-containment walls R APHIS 25 Spaces between doors and frames should be capable of being temporarily sealed for gas decontaimination R APHIS 26 Air handling maintains negative pressure with airflow moving from outside containment area through the anteroom(s) and into BSL-3 facility. R APHIS 27 Biological safety cabinets are required for all handling of BSL 3 material. Non-vented Class II A cabinets are acceptable if no work is to be done with volatile chemicals. All work with volatile chemicals requires a hard-ducted exhaust Class II B2 cabinet. R APHIS & U M 28 Emergency power sufficient to maintain negative pressure, continued operation of critical equipment, maintain security, and provide lights for safe containment of biohazardous/chemical materials and exit of facility. R APHIS & U M 29 Central Security System designed in conjunction with facility risk assessment R UM 30 Fire suppresion system designed in conjunction with facility design and SOPs to reduce risk of contaminated water leaving the facility OR DEHS 31 Utility equipment and control panels to be outside the containment area when possible OR UM 32 All plumbing leaving the containment area should be identified with labels/tags R UM 33 Plumbing fixtures and pipes should be resistant to the corrosive actions of disinfectants R UM 34 Plumbing back-flow preventers included. R UM 35 No centailized laboratory vaccum, use portable vacuum pumps R UM 36 Effluent treatment to be managed in conjunction with risk assessment for organisms to be used. R APHIS & U M 37 Include gas-tight supply and exhaust dampers for decontamination R DEHS 38 Provide an electronic means (computer, FAX machine) to transfer data out of the lab R APHIS & U M 39 Hands free communication between inside and outside of the lab (if intercom system is provided there must still be a phone to call for outside help -911) OR U M 40 A visual monitoring device that indicates and confirms directional inward airflow should be provided in all anterooms R APHIS & U M 41 Interlock supply and exhaust fans to maintain negative pressure if there is a failure in a ventilation system component R UM 42 Audible and light alarm to notify workers if the exhaust system fails R UM 43 Gas-tight exhaust ductwork that can be leak tested and sealed for gas decontamination R U M 44 Duct work to have ports to instill vaporized hydrogen peroxide (VHP) OR UM 45 HEPA filter housings with gas-tight isolation dampers, decontamination ports, and access for testing and decontamination of filters while in place. R U M 46 Pre-filters upstream of all exhaust HEPA filters. Two pre-filters for aniaml rooms. (30% pre-filters or improved efficiency low- resistance filters as technolgy develops) R UM 47 Primary HVAC control systems external to the containment area - per system design and as appropriate R UM 48 Designate which components/equipment need to be alarmed. Designate which alarms need to go to BSAC and include in design. R UM 49 Include reduced pressure back-flow prevention wate system. R UM Additional BSL-3 Elements That May Be Required If Indicated By Risk Assessment R / OR / NA Source 1 Additional sinks as determined by risk assessment O BMBL 2 Separate lab access for , samples, equipment or animals from staff entry. O BMBL 3 Decontamination area for large pieces of equipment. O/R DEHS 4 Waterproof electric outlets according to use of space O UM 5 Dunk tank or other means of removing samples from facility per risk assessment O UM 6 Shower out per agent summary sheet or faciity use risk assessment O BMBL 7 Effluent decontamination per risk assessment (Steam treatment preferred.) O BMBL 8 Include respiratory protection SOPs if it is not possible to contain all work in biosafety cabinet or other primary containment device. R UM
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