2013年7月14日 星期日
A. Scope
The primary objective in laboratory design should be to provide a safe, accessible
environment for laboratory personnel to conduct their work. A secondary objective is
to allow for maximum flexibility for safe research and teaching use. Therefore, health
and safety hazards shall be anticipated and carefully evaluated so that protective
measures can be incorporated into the design wherever possible. However, no matter
how well designed a laboratory is, improper usage of its facilities will always defeat the
engineered safety features. Proper education of the facility users is essential.
The requirements listed below illustrate some of the basic health and safety design
features required for new and remodeled laboratories. Variations from these guidelines
require approval from the Environmental Health & Safety Department (EH&S).
B. Building Design Issues
Because the handling and storage of hazardous materials inherently carries a high risk
of exposure and injury, it is important to segregate laboratory and non-laboratory
activities. In an academic setting, the potential for students to need access to
laboratory personnel, such as instructors and assistants, is great. A greater degree of
safety will result when non-laboratory work and interaction is conducted in a space
separated from the laboratory.
1. Noncombustible construction is preferred.
Good Practice
SBC/WSBC (IBC) Chapter 6
2. Offices should be separated from laboratories.
Good Practice
3. An automatically triggered main gas shutoff valve for the building shall be
provided for use in a seismic event. In addition, interior manual shutoff valves
shall be provided for both research and teaching areas.
Good Practice
4. Large sections of glass shall be tempered or laminated. Shatter resistant
glass shall be used based on specific need.
Good Practice
In the event of severe earthquake, as the glass in cabinets and windows breaks, the large shards need to
be minimized to prevent injury. Shatter resistant glass shall be considered where impact resistance is
needed or as a security measure.
8 Laboratory Safety Design Guide
April 2005
5. Outside air intakes must be at least twelve feet above grade level.
This is the minimum recommended height from NIOSH in DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 2002-139,
“Guidance for Protecting Building Environments from Airborne Chemical, Biological, or Radiological
Attacks”, published May 2002.
6. The location of outside air intakes and all sources of emissions from the new
facility must be evaluated by a consultant with experience in modeling to
determine the best location of these components relative to themselves and
to similar components of nearby existing facilities.
C. Laboratory Design Considerations
1. The laboratory shall be completely separated from outside areas (i.e., shall be
bound by four walls and a roof or ceiling).
2. Design of the laboratory and adjacent support spaces shall incorporate
adequate additional facilities for the purpose of storage and/or consumption
of food, drinks.
Good Practice
UW Laboratory Safety Manual, Section 2.A.4
3. Mechanical climate control should be provided as needed.
Good Practice
The laboratory shall be within normally acceptable thermal ranges prior to permanent occupancy.
Electrical appliances often exhaust heat into a room (e.g., freezer, incubator, autoclave). Failure to take
this effect into consideration may result in an uncomfortably warm working environment.
See Chapter 3 of this Guide for laboratory ventilation design issues.
4. When office and laboratory spaces are connected, design pressure
differentials across closed doors between the spaces to prevent lab
emissions from entering office spaces.
Good Practice
5. Design laboratory workstations to accommodate the needs of the work and the
range of body dimensions that may be using the workstations. For example,
computer and microscopes workstations may require height-adjustable work
surfaces and chairs.
Good Practice
6. Each laboratory where hazardous materials, whether chemical, biological, or
radioactive, are used, shall contain a sink for hand washing.
UW Laboratory Safety Manual, Section 2.A.3
Laboratory Safety Design Guide 9
April 2005
7. All work surfaces (e.g., bench tops, counters, etc.) shall be impervious to the
chemicals and materials used in the laboratory.
Good Practice
Many laboratory operations involve concurrent use of such chemical solvents such as formaldehyde,
phenol, and ethanol, as well as corrosives. The laboratory bench shall be resistant to the chemical
actions of chemicals and disinfectants. Wooden bench tops are not appropriate because an unfinished
wood surface can absorb liquids. Also, wood burns rapidly in the event of a fire. “Fiberglass” (glass
fiber reinforced epoxy resin) is inappropriate because it can degrade when strong disinfectants are
applied, and it also releases toxic smoke when burned.
8. The laboratory shall be designed so that it can be easily cleaned. Bench tops
should be of a seamless one-piece design to prevent contamination.
Penetrations for electrical, plumbing, and other considerations shall be
completely and permanently sealed. If the bench top abuts a wall, it shall be
covered or have a backsplash against the wall.
Good Practice
Since portions of bench tops cannot be easily removed and replaced, the primary consideration shall be
to prevent chemicals, radioactive materials and/or potentially infectious material from seeping into
cracks. Of great importance is the absence of laminated edges, which can develop a crack between the
top and the edge. Wood and wood-finish walls or floors are not appropriate because they can absorb
chemicals, radioactive materials and/or potentially infectious material, particularly liquids, making
decontamination virtually impossible. Surfaces should be as free as possible of cracks crevices, seams,
and rough surfaces to avoid surface contamination traps. Tiles and wooden planks are not appropriate
because liquids can seep through the small gaps between them. Seamless penetration-resistant
construction is particularly important for radioactive materials, highly toxic substances such as cyanides
or mercury, carcinogens, explosive or flammable substances, and materials which could become
hazardous with the passage of time such as picric acid, nitrated organics and peroxidizable substances.
9. Laboratory flooring in chemical use areas and other high hazard areas (such
as biological containment facilities) shall be chemically resistant and
preferably one-piece construction with covings to the wall.
Good Practice
A continuous floor reduces the potential for liquid absorption. Covings are recommended to facilitate
clean up. Surfaces should be as free of cracks, crevices, seams, and rough surfaces as possible to avoid
surface contamination traps.
10. The walls shall be non-porous and painted with a durable, impervious finish in
such a manner to facilitate decontamination and cleaning. High gloss paint is
Good Practice
11. Vented cabinets with electrical receptacles and sound insulation should be
provided for the placement of individual vacuum pumps, where their use is
anticipated. A one- to two-inch hole for the vacuum line hose from the cabinet
to the bench top should be provided as well as connection to an exhaust
Good Practice
10 Laboratory Safety Design Guide
April 2005
12. Provide shelves with clear plastic lips for seismic restraint. Lips should be ¾
inch above the shelf surface for bookshelves and 1.5 inches above the shelf
surface for shelves used to store breakable containers, chemicals, or other
hazardous materials.
D. Building Requirements
1. Designer Qualifications — The designer shall have the appropriate
professional license in his/her area of expertise and have prior experience
designing laboratories similar in scope to UW projects that he/she is being
hired to design.
Good Practice
2. Building Occupancy Classification and Control Areas— Occupancy
classification and control areas should be based upon an assessment of the
projected chemical inventory of the building. Early in building design, the
Architectural/Engineering (A/E) design team will need to assign occupancy
classification and control areas for specific areas of the building to ensure
conformance with building and fire codes.
1997 SBC Chapter 3 & 1997 SFC Article 80, Section 8001.10.2 (Sections applicable for existing UW
facilities. Consult with EH&S if project is located within an existing building.)
2003 SBC/WSBC (IBC) Chapter 3 & 2003 SFC/WSFC (IFC) Chapter 27 and associated chemical
specific chapters of the fire code.
3. Environmental Permits — The UW is the lead agency for compliance with the
State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA). Project managers shall consult with
the Environmental Planner for Capital Projects to identify environmental and
permit requirements for the building. This should be done well before key
resource allocation decisions are made.
Permit Process: Project Manager’s Reference Document for Environmental Stewardship (UW
E. Hazardous Materials Design Issues
1. Facilities shall be designed so that use of a respirator is not required for
normal operations.
Good Practice
2. A pressure-differential system should be used to control the flow of airborne
contamination. The flow should always be from clean areas to contaminated
areas, but it shall be recognized that similar areas may not always require the
same ventilation characteristics.
Good Practice
Laboratory Safety Design Guide 11
April 2005
3. There must be adequate in-laboratory storage cabinets to store reagents and
chemicals and to provide segregation of incompatible materials. Storage
design should be based on projected quantities and waste management
Chemical waste may be stored on site over a considerable length of time until a sufficient quantity
warrants off site disposal.
4. Sufficient space or facilities (e.g., storage cabinets with partitions, secondary
containment trays etc.) should be provided such that incompatible chemicals
and compressed gasses can be physically separated. When designing
shelves and shelf spacing, it is important to include enough space (height and
depth) for secondary containers.
NFPA 45, 7.2.1 and 7-2.3
Materials that in combination with other substances may cause a fire or explosion, or may liberate a
flammable or poisonous gas, shall be kept separate.
5. An area for a spill kit must be provided within the laboratory or at a
centralized area with a laboratory suite. Information on spill kits and
procedures may be found at www.ehs.washington.edu
Prudent Practices in the Laboratory
Laboratory employees are responsible for minor spills of the chemicals they commonly use. Major
spills typically result in a call to the local fire department’s Hazmat unit and are subsequently referred to
an outside contractor. Equipment and supplies for large spills may be necessary on a case-by-case basis
but is not common.
6. The laboratory shall have a means of securing specifically regulated
materials such as controlled substances regulated by the Drug Enforcement
Administration and radioactive materials, select agents, etc. (i.e., lockable
doors, lockable cabinets etc.), where applicable.
7. See Chapters 5 and 6 of the Guide for additional requirements for
compressed gas storage and hazardous materials cabinets.
F. Entries, Exits, and Aisle Width
1. Self-closing laboratory doors should be operable with a minimum of effort to
allow access and egress for physically challenged individuals. A 36-inch- or
42-inch-wide door should be provided which opens in the direction of egress.
(See the exception for BSL3 laboratories in Section 7 of this Guide). The exit
access doorway(s) from the laboratory shall have a minimum clear width of
32 inches when the door is open 90 degrees.
Good Practice
A main design factor for sizing laboratory doors will be equipment size within the laboratory. Door
width shall be based on the largest design factor whether that is code or equipment driven.
12 Laboratory Safety Design Guide
April 2005
2. Laboratory benches, laboratory equipment and other furniture or obstacles
shall not be placed so that there is less than five feet of clear egress.
Good Practice
Laboratory benches shall not impede emergency access to an exit. This is also applicable to placement
of other fixed furniture and appliances such as, refrigerators, etc.
3. The space between adjacent workstations and laboratory benches should be
five feet or greater to provide ease of access. In a teaching laboratory, the
desired spacing is six feet. Bench spacing shall be considered and included
in specifications and plans.
Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA)
NFPA 45, Chapters 2 and 3.
4. Spaces between benches, cabinets, and equipment shall be accessible for
cleaning and servicing of equipment.
Good Practice
Laboratory furniture should have smooth, nonporous surfaces to resist absorption, and shall not be
positioned in a manner that makes it difficult to clean spilled liquids or to conduct routine maintenance.
For example, positioning a Class II biosafety cabinet in a limited concave space might not allow the
biosafety cabinet certifier to remove the panels of the cabinet when inspecting the unit for recertification.
5. Laboratory doors that separate laboratory areas from non-laboratory areas
are to be automatically self-closing and may not be held open with
electromagnetic devices connected to the fire alarm.
Good Practice
This will defeat secondary containment provided by the Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning
(HVAC) system.
6. Door swings should consider room pressure gradients to facilitate door
closure operation (i.e., doors should swing into positive pressure areas and
out at negative pressure areas). Doors at pressurized stairs should have a
vestibule at the exit level to assist door closure operation.
Good Practice
This helps ensure secondary containment provided by the Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning
(HVAC) system.
7. Corridor width should be five to seven feet.
Good Practice
This width is generally optimal for moving equipment and preventing unwanted storage in the corridor.
G. Electrical and Utility Issues
Laboratory Safety Design Guide 13
April 2005
1. The laboratory shall be fitted with electrical circuits and receptacles that can
accommodate existing requirements plus an additional 30% to 40% capacity.
Good Practice
The laboratory may have several pieces of equipment that require large amounts of electrical current.
Such items include freezers, biosafety cabinets, centrifuges, and incubators. Permanent use of
extension cords is not allowed by the fire code.
2. Electrical receptacles above counter tops within six feet of sinks, safety
showers, or other sources of water, should have GFCI circuit protection
unless there is a physical separation between the receptacle and the sink.
NFPA Handbook 70, Chapter 2, 210-8
3. Laboratories shall be provided with light fixture on emergency power at the
entrance/exit door. Hallway and corridor emergency light shall be provided
based on the local code requirements.
Good Practice
SBC/WSBC (IBC) Section 1006.1
Pathway lighting in laboratories reduces the potential of personnel coming in contact with equipment
and hazardous materials while evacuating the laboratory. Supplemental requirements for UW owned
and operated buildings are also noted herein and in the UW Facilies Sevices Design Information Guide
maintained by Campus Engineering and Operations.
4. Emergency shutoff valves for natural gas lines shall be located outside the
lab behind an access panel (similar to a medical gas system). If the corridor
is accessible to the public, valves should be secured behind a break-glass
access panel, or equal. Provide at least one valve per floor. Consideration
should be given to locating valves at a height that allows easy access and
Plumbing Code Local Interpretation and Requirement – in lieu of approved and accessible “service”
Good Practice
In the event of an emergency, the laboratory may be unsafe to enter. Hence, valves for should be
located outside the laboratory. The local plumbing code authority has required these valves in research
buildings where equipment and bench-top valves are either not AGA approved or inaccessible. See also
“Non-structural Seismic Hazard Abatement”.
5. Flexible connections shall be used for connecting gas and other plumbed
utilities to any freestanding device (Group II devices), including but not limited
to biosafety cabinets, incubators, and liquid nitrogen freezers.
Good Practice
Seismic activity may cause gas and other utility connections to break as equipment moves. Leaking
natural gas is a fire hazard, and flexible connections minimize this potential hazard. See also “Nonstructural
Seismic Hazard Abatement”. Group I equipment is considered fixed to the building structure
and no subject to seismic movement. Group II equipment is considered equipment subject to seismic
movement and is typically freestanding or movable.
14 Laboratory Safety Design Guide
April 2005
H. Accessibility
Teaching and other public laboratory design should include adapted workbenches as
necessary. It is preferable to have some adjustable workbenches to allow for the large
variation in body size among individuals. Adjustable workbenches should include the
1. A work surface that can be adjusted to be from twenty-seven to thirty-seven
inches from the floor; a twenty-nine-inch clearance beneath the top to a
depth of at least twenty inches; a minimum width of thirty-six inches to allow
for leg space for the seated individual, and Utility and equipment controls
placed within easy reach.
ADA, Title III Public Accommodations and Services Operated by Private Entities Sec. 303 New
Construction and Alterations in Public Accommodations and Commercial Facilities
I. Non-Structural Seismic Hazard Abatement
1. All shelves shall have passive restraining systems. Shelf lips must be at least
one and one-half inch high. For shelves that only store books, a rubber type
sheet that you put under the books, designed specifically for this purpose,
can be used in lieu of lips. The shelves themselves shall be firmly fixed so
they cannot vibrate out of place and allow the shelf contents to fall.
Prudent Practices in the Laboratory 4.E.1 and 4.E.2
Installation of seismic lips on shelving areas will prevent stored items from falling during a seismic
2. Any equipment shall be permanently braced or anchored to the wall and/or
floor. This includes, but is not limited to, appliances and shelving (to be
installed by the contractor) which is forty-two inches or higher and has the
potential for blocking corridors or doors, or falling over during an earthquake.
All equipment requiring anchoring, whether installed by a contractor or the
UW, shall be anchored, supported and braced to the building structure.
Good Practice
This practice keeps such items from falling in the event of earthquakes and assures that safety while
exiting is not compromised.
3. All compressed-gas cylinders in service or in storage shall be secured to
substantial racks or, even more appropriate, sufficiently sturdy storage
brackets. They shall be secured with two chains, straps or equivalent, at
one-third and two-thirds the height of the cylinders to prevent their being
dislodged during a violent earthquake. NOTE: Clamping devices are not
acceptable as cylinder restraints.
Prudent Practices in the Laboratory 4.E.4
See also Chapter 5 for other compressed gas design concerns.
J. Teaching Laboratories
Laboratory Safety Design Guide 15
April 2005
Laboratory course instructors are faced with the task of introducing large numbers of
inexperienced people to the practice of handling hazardous materials. Often, the
student’s immediate supervisor is a graduate student Teaching Assistant (TA). The
teaching ability, experience, and communication skill of TA’s vary widely. Therefore, it
is very important to provide a quiet facility with clear lines of sight, more than sufficient
room to move about, and chemical storage devices which are both safe and obvious.
1. Adequate laboratory fume hoods shall be provided. A facility designed for
intensive chemistry use should have at least 2.5 linear feet of hood space per
student. Less intensive application should have hood space adequate for the
anticipated number of students. Hoods shall meet the specifications of
applicable portions of Chapter 3 of this Guide.
Prudent Practices in the Laboratory 8.C.4
2. Noise levels at laboratory benches shall be designed not to exceed 55 dBA to
allow students to see and hear the instructor from each workstation.
Prudent Practices in the Laboratory
Good Practice
Students shall be able to follow the safety, health, and emergency information during the laboratory
class period. It is very important to minimize the background noise, principally from air handling
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